There have been a few enquiries lately for information about the occult, and on one occasion by someone who sounded very young indeed. She was interested in finding out about Wicca, and bless her, felt that here was likely to be found trustworthy information.
The word “occult” simply means what is currently hidden from you, and the process of spiritual development shines a light upon what needs to be revealed. You don’t have to go looking for the occult – in fact, it is best to wait and see what comes to you to be looked at.
For too many, reading, writing and basic mathematics, and the ability to support oneself with food and shelter, are occult, and for those people it is essential that these skills are mastered. We are in these bodies in this place at this time for a reason, after all. For the young, the entire adult world is occult, and adjusting to it and the developing body will require all your skill, strength and resources. Always, whoever and wherever you are, the next step is here before you, now. Look at what needs to be done here and now, and do it as well as you can. These are all steps in spiritual development, as well as material development.
If, after this, you wish to embark on a dedicated process of spiritual development, the way is quite straightforward. But don’t be in too much of a hurry. This world needs to be lived in easily before the next world is tackled.

There are three “legs” and one central principle.
Leg One: Meditation or focused Prayer.
Leg Two: The study of inspired works.
Leg three: Service to humanity.
Working on all three legs together brings rapid unfoldment, and stability. A wise man said to me that three legs always give stability on uneven surfaces. Any other number will make the table/chair wobble.
A complete (and free) spiritual development system (incorporating an easy-to-learn meditation) is here(link) , and is a system designed for the non-religious or religious westerner.
The inspired works you choose to study can be from any of the world’s great spiritual traditions, or equally those eclectic works of modern teachers like DC Vision.
Service to humanity is best done in secret. The most important service to humanity for those on a path of spiritual development is to work on themselves. “Remove the plank from your own eyes before you attempt to remove the specks from other people” as a certain Master put it. Of course, while you are cleaning yourself up, you can help others whenever it is in your gift to do so.
The overarching principle is this: what you are doing is not for yourself, or your own group, nation or religion, but for all beings. ALL beings. Think carefully on this, because a sectarian favouritism has led very spiritually motivated and developed people (to give just one example, Adolf Hitler) badly astray – I would expect that they and their followers will be paying for their mistakes for many painful lifetimes to come.